Numeracy - Student guided resource

This resource uses language and concepts aligned directly to the Improved NCEA Numeracy Co-requisite standards.
This is designed for teachers to distribute this individually to each student through your student management system.
Students can work through this at their own pace, at school and/or at home. Teachers can assign this as a full resource. Alternatively teachers can assign chunks of work over time for students to access. Teachers can decide what parts of this resource students may need to use to strengthen their knowledge. For example: You might have a group of students you assign Operations on numbers content to through Google Classroom as an assignment, and another group you assign Location and navigation to.
It includes links to other learning area content, and so could be taught across different subject areas, or even through a mentoring session.
It has been designed in Google Slides to give teachers the flexibility to edit the resource to align with planning.
The resource includes learning outcomes
- Operations on numbers
- Mathematical relationships
- Spatial properties and representations
- Location and navigation
- Elements of chance
It includes links to the NCEA Numeracy CAA Practice questions, and NZQA Assessment Resources
For each Learning Outcome there is:
- Information required
- Practice links to free sites to access associated activities
- Tracking check lists
Students can use tracking check lists to self assess whether they are confident in each learning outcome. This will enable conversations with students and whānau around readiness for the Numeracy CAA.